Let's Talk About Life (and Chickens)

Since we last met on here, I’ve made over a hundred new friends as I’ve started working full time. The thing is, they all have feathers and a beak and very bad control of their bladders (if ya know what I mean).


I’ll say it — I’m not a farm girl. I’m not outdoorsy. I don’t like camping or most animals and I’m sitting at my desk looking at my two dying houseplants.

However, over the last year, I’ve completed half an MBA while learning to like working in a barn, driving trucks, and putting a fresh coat of paint on almost everything in sight. I’ve learned to keep sunscreen, old tennis shoes, work gloves, and at least one hat in my car at all times — because I’ve also learned how to pull a tick out of my hair and walk through any sort of miscellaneous brown substance on the ground.

I hope you understand that this is basically a modern-day miracle.

I grew up on golf courses and in nice, air-conditioned kitchens. I’m really good at grocery shopping and actually just shopping in general. I like things cleaned and organized and I like operating on schedules. This is quite the opposite of my new work environment — and it’s actually making me a better person. The closest thing I’ve ever done was 8 years of Girl Scouts, but I was in a troop that had bowling parties and spa days and “camped” in cabins.

Your next logical question — as is mine most days — WHY?? Why are you doing this?!

Because, perhaps most of all, I’ve learned that it’s not the work you do that matters, but the people you’re with. Through an inspiring supervisor and some very hard-working student team members, I’ve experienced more brain power in one year than most witness in an entire career.


There are good days, not-so-good days, and days that require a lot of problem solving and sweat equity. It’s so fun! Really, it is. Mostly because, at the end of the day, we all know we’re in it together, and working for the betterment of everyone around us (whether they have two legs, four legs, utters, or beaks).

With all that said, this is my newest life update for you: Jorie Cakes has been a little quiet. Don’t worry, I’m still baking, and will be baking forever! In this season of life, I’m adjusting to new full-time job, grad school, and personal priorities, which means cakes have fallen a bit to the back burner. They’re still very much in my long-term vision, as I hope one day to fulfill what I believe the Lord’s called me to do: celebrate others through cake. But for now, I have lots of things to learn, lots of people to care for, and lots of jobs that need to be done outside of my kitchen.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still be taking orders when I can and I keep my customers a top priority. Sometimes baking is what maintains my sanity, so it’s best for everyone if I keep it up!


I appreciate everyone who asks about my business or comments on the posts they see on social media. That means the world to me! I wish I had more time to dedicate to all of that fun stuff, but most nights are spent either in class or in recovery mode from shoveling out barns (which is actually a great workout!!).

I’d also like to encourage everyone that God can use your skills and abilities in ways you could never imagine, as long as you’re willing to learn. Never in my life would I have imagined the phrase “chicken coop” to be a part of my daily vocabulary, but it’s been surprisingly fulfilling and fun, living and learning totally outside of my comfort zone. I don’t do my job perfectly, in fact there are many ways I could do it a lot better, but I feel very blessed to even be able to do it at all. I have no doubt that all of these things I’m learning now will greatly benefit Jorie Cakes in the future.

So, loyal readers, carry on as though the work you’re doing is going to change the world — because it just might change someone’s world in the process.

With love and lots of eggs to collect,


*Note: My job is also a lot of event planning, market-hosting, and office work, which is much more my style. But those things don’t make for as good of a story!