Updates from SoFlo

Hi! We’re safe! I know many of you are wondering about us & Hurricane Ian as it’s making its mark all over Florida. Praise God, somehow we’re in the one tiny little pocket of the state that’s not experiencing the full hurricane. My husband and I decided to stay put in Palm Beach and ride out the tropical storm. So far, it’s been wind and rain with storms, but nothing too crazy.

In other news…

I’m using today to create some content and update some website things. Plus, preorders for my Flavors of Fall Treat Box are still open! If you or anyone you know is in need of some fall coziness in South Florida, click the picture below to place your order.

This is also a soft launch for CAKE POPS! After years of declining orders, I’m — finally, slowly, but surely — opening up my menu for cake pops. Mostly because they’re so dang good, and they’re a great single-serve party option. Anyways, you don’t want to miss the s’mores flavor! All the benefits of a campfire without having to go camping (if you know, you know).

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers as we adjust to life in Florida and now, in hurricane season. Take care and talk soon. ❤️

