Is This Real Life?

The Pitch. The PITCH! Where do I start?

Two of the most inspiring nights of my whole life have to do with Berry College’s Pitch Competition. Last year I competed as a junior, and the prize money significantly changed the course of Jorie Cakes.

This year, as a senior, I competed (virtually) with eight of Berry’s finest student entrepreneurs for cash prizes totaling $27,000. These students, who are now friends—they’re simply amazing!

These are all the finalists—from 3D printers to wedding veil makers to college football recruiters, the gang’s all here!

These are all the finalists—from 3D printers to wedding veil makers to college football recruiters, the gang’s all here!

Throughout the semester most of us attended weekly workshops to prepare for the PITCH. Listening to ideas develop from simple concepts into 6-figure projections is something special. We left for spring break in February with clear direction to move forward with each of our business plans.

And then, COVID happened.

And we all had to pivot.

And for me, that meant pretty much starting from ground zero. My plan to create a physical bakery space for people to come together—yeah, that doesn’t really work when we all have to stay six feet apart.

Then, this Stay Celebrating campaign happened with the intention of raising brand awareness and ultimately giving people a reason to smile in such a hopeless time. The response was incredible! Not only was it fun to film, edit, and post baking videos, but people loved it! So there it was: the idea to take my kitchen online.

An online kitchen isn’t exactly a new concept. If I personally spend time on social media, it’s usually to watch videos of my baking heroes being all cute and bubbly and inviting on their mega-instagram-influencer platforms (if you need some inspo, check out I Am Baker and Cake By Courtney, they don’t disappoint!).

While watching these videos, however, recreating the beautiful cakes and pastries in their videos seems unattainable even for me, and I’m no novice in the kitchen. That’s where this idea of live virtual baking classes came from.

Just think, how many times have you watched a food video online, thought, “wow, I’m going to try that!” and then never did. No matter the barrier, you didn’t do it.

Well, have I got the solution for you! Rather than typing it all out on here, I’ll let you watch for yourself:

So, when will I see you in class? ;)

That video is a result of the ten-page business plan each finalist submitted. When I tell you I put hours of work into this, I really mean hours, which then turned into days, and then into weeks. I don’t think I’ve sat at my laptop for a longer amount of time than for preparing for this pitch…and I’m a fourth-year college student.

The work was worth it. Without a doubt.

But if you think I did all this on my own, you’re simply crazy; or, you just think I’m a genius. Which is flattering, but, sadly, inaccurate.

This leads me to the Thank-You portion of this blog post. To everyone who’s supported Jorie Cakes, you are the reason it’s still growing! As I said in a frantic Instagram story last night after the winners were announced,

“I just really can’t describe the feeling that comes with somebody believing in something that you put your heart and soul into.”

This is definitely my heart and soul. With that, I’d like to extend thank-you’s to the following people:

  • My parents, who put up with me for the last 5 weeks as I became entirely consumed with work (but they got to taste-test in the process, so I don’t think it was that bad).

  • My roommates, Emma and Eveline, who are my sounding boards for new ideas and my voices of reason during cupcake drama, because they really don’t have a choice since they live with me.

  • Berry College, for its entrepreneurial mindset and limitless support of students’ dreams.

  • The Campbell School of Business and the Center for Student Entrepreneurial and Enterprise Development, specifically Kevin Renshler, for answering many phone calls when I had no idea how to calculate market segmentations.

  • The PITCH Donors, whose generosity led to nine students’ ideas turning into reality.

  • The PITCH Judges, who’s own entrepreneurial spirits challenge me to think through every aspect of the business, and who see potential in Jorie Cakes—wow.

  • All viewers, whose support is unmatched. You all—friends, neighbors, relatives, customers—are the most rewarding part of this whole business!

In the coming weeks, I’ll graduate from college in an end to a seemingly perfect four years of life. However, as one door closes, another one opens; and I’m taking this running start as a little nudge from the Lord that He’ll get me where I'm supposed to be. I have a feeling that place, wherever it is, will include a lot of cake. For that, I can’t help but look ahead with the utmost joy and excitement.

I’m looking forward to baking with you soon!
