FAQ #2: Do you watch all those baking shows?

In short, yes. Yes I do.

However, to further illustrate this, let me describe my current situation as I write this blog post:

I’m sitting in my chair conveniently facing my TV which is on its third hour of Hulu for the night. After finishing the final episode of Buddy vs. Duff (highly recommend) while fixing dinner, I watched a few minutes of Chopped (because it’s Chopped and it’s addicting), and then turned to my new series, Bakers vs. Fakers. All while updating my spreadsheets, planning my weekend baking schedule, posting on social media, and browsing some of my favorite food blogs.

So yeah, I love baking shows! I mostly love them as background noise that I can leave on while I get some work done. But growing up, I would eat, sleep and breathe Food Network.

You simply can’t recreate the drama of a croquembouche tower toppling or a ganache seizing or a last-minute tray of dropped cupcakes. I live for this kind of stuff! Only on TV, though, because when that happens in real life, it’s very terrible.

One of my favorite shows is Cake Boss, you know, with Buddy and his whole Italian/New Jersey family. He toured when I was in high school and stopped in Columbus, Ohio, and I had the privilege of attending his show (thank you, Aunt Tammy!). That was a pivotal point in my baking career—I left inspired, awe-struck, and determined to be Buddy one day instead of watching from the audience.

2012 outside the Palace Theatre in Columbus & in front of the Cake Boss trailer

2012 outside the Palace Theatre in Columbus & in front of the Cake Boss trailer

I think part of the reason I love Cake Boss is because…that is my family! I love telling the story of our 2016 Guarasci Family Reunion. We had 76 people. Seventy-Six! Enough to fill up an entire wing at Deer Creek State Park, along with their golf course’s entire tee sheet that weekend. Let me tell you, though I may only be 25% Italian, I claim it more than anything, because no one knows how to cook, party, or love like Italians.

July 2016, the Guarasci Family! Since then there’s been countless marriages, births, and probably claiming people who aren’t even related as family.

July 2016, the Guarasci Family! Since then there’s been countless marriages, births, and probably claiming people who aren’t even related as family.

This photo is a great reminder of the important things in life. Since we’re all so disconnected (and it’s looking like living behind masks might be our normal for awhile), taking a second to remember the warmth of family is a great encouragement to endure, whether you have a family of two or of 76.

I guess baking shows lead me back to family. Seems a little strange, even to me, but it’s true. There’s a simple child-like innocence that provides an escape full of buttercream and rainbow sprinkles.

Because I want you to experience the joy of baking shows, here are my favorites with a little insight on what each one offers. If you pay close enough attention, you can really learn a lot while you watch!

best baking shows-2.png

While you may still have ample time for binge-watching during quarantine, I hope you enjoy these shows as much as I do. Just make sure you aren’t too hungry when you watch—or else you’ll find yourself baking whatever you can get your hands on in your kitchen.

Talk soon, and feel free to send any of your favorite shows my way!


PS—the follow-up question is usually, “so when will we see YOU on one of those baking shows?!” My answer is simple—whenever Food Network calls! I have much to learn about competitive baking, but I must say I’m up for the challenge.