Bird Lady Adventures

So you probably think I graduated from high school, opened a bakery storefront in a quaint southern town, and am making a killer profit right about now.

Jorie & Grandpa, circa 2001, probably making the infamous Buckwheat Pancakes I so dearly despised as a 4-year-old (love you, grandpa, but why you made me eat buckwheat pancakes is beyond me).

Jorie & Grandpa, circa 2001, probably making the infamous Buckwheat Pancakes I so dearly despised as a 4-year-old (love you, grandpa, but why you made me eat buckwheat pancakes is beyond me).

Wrong. Very wrong. Though that would have been a dream come true, a lot of other factors were involved. Namely, remember those horrid winters I mentioned a while ago? Yeah, never living through one of those again, or at least for the next four years. Take the desire to move anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon Line and the advice from my parents to get a college degree because, “What if you’re thirty and never want to bake another cake again? Then what do you fall back on?”, and you have a very good point. Plus, I wanted to fulfill my goal to play college golf. 


So, college it was. 


Now this part of the story really isn’t made up. If you need an example of God’s handiwork in modern times, keep reading…



“Mom, Dad, I’m not staying in Ohio after I graduate. I’m going south. You can come visit me, or you can come with me, but I’m getting out of this place,” said twelve-year-old me. 


Yeah, right. What parents are going to listen to their only kid, let alone actually go along with her idea?

For the record: I’m keenly aware of the “Only-Child Syndrome.” It’s a real thing. And I praise God daily for giving me parents who worked tirelessly to make sure no one could tell I’m an only child (I still don’t like sharing, but at least I know how to do it!). 


As you may know, my parents listened to me. Clearly, I didn’t fully think through my ultimatum, because they actually came with me to college.

Okay, so maybe they didn’t actually follow me to college, but it makes for a great story. At one point it was suggested that my mom get a job in Rome. On campus. Like where I live. And occasionally she still threatens me with that proposal. Basically, I just gave the three of us an excuse to escape the eight months of snow that made us all miserable.


After we decided that we were all packing up and moving, we started counting down our move by winters— “only five more of these until we’re gone!”  And for those next five winters, we entertained ourselves on Zillow looking up houses anywhere from Alabama to North Carolina. 


Just to add in another major life event, I still had to find somewhere to go to college, and wherever that would be would decide (relatively) where we would buy a house. My search was rather slim, knowing I wanted a smaller, private Christian school where I had a shot at playing on the golf team. Shouldn’t be too difficult, I thought, which was a rather naive thought considering we had absolutely no idea where to look, or how to call coaches, or what schools even existed that fit all of my criteria. Oh, and throw in finding a house within three hours of that unknown school *and* my parents retiring and leaving the house my grandpa built…should be a piece of cake! 

Hyperventilating yet? Because I most definitely was.


Yeah, it was a piece of cake alright. One of those hockey-puck-grit-cakes I used to make. But, if there’s one thing I learned: never doubt God. He’s literally the only explanation for how all those moving parts worked—and worked successfully—to get us to Georgia.


Everyone asks, “how did you find Berry College from Dublin, Ohio?” Because in Dublin, Berry College sounded like one of those chain universities in a strip mall parking lot. So, here’s the answer to that question that requires a little imagination and a lot of faith:


My smart grandparents, who live half the year in Ohio and the colder half in Florida, happened to be on vacation in Pennsylvania. This isn’t relative to the story, but I think it should be known that they were on a bird-watching trip. If you know my golf-playing, grocery-store-owning, practical-minded grandpa, you know this probably wasn’t his idea (considering he hates birds), but he agreed to go anyway. Nonetheless, they were on a quest to find the Roseate Spoonbill, or something like that.

Please enjoy the above gallery of pictures with my grandpa and I! Eight pictures don’t nearly do justice to the impact he’s had on my life, my golf game (still working on the three-putting thing), and my business.

In the lobby of their bed and breakfast, they met a lady who, to this day, we’re not entirely sure actually exists. She pulled a chair up to their breakfast table (there’s always one of those people at those kind of places) and started making conversation.


Because of my recent local celebrity baker status, the subject naturally turned to me (or maybe because I had visited 12 schools, liked none of them, and was frantically trying to find a place to go after graduation; but I like to think the conversation turned to me because I’m a celebrity). “Our granddaughter really wants to play college golf in the south, but she’s not having much luck finding a school,” they explained.


The frail, middle-aged woman urged them to pass along the name Berry College. It’s a school in Rome, Georgia, that is globally known for its nest of bald eagles.

Jorie & Coach, May 2018 at the DIII Women’s Golf National Championships. A sneak peek of why Berry is the best decision I ever made—or, rather, how Berry is the best decision ever made for me.

Jorie & Coach, May 2018 at the DIII Women’s Golf National Championships. A sneak peek of why Berry is the best decision I ever made—or, rather, how Berry is the best decision ever made for me.

How fitting.


Berry College, you ask? Like the fruit? Yes, that one! My chances of playing college golf were quickly shrinking, so out of curiosity and a little desperation, I called the coach at Berry College and talked to him for 27 minutes on the phone. If you know me, you know that one phone call minute feels like 3 regular minutes, and actually enjoying a phone call is a modern-day miracle. I hung up, knowing I’d go there, without ever having seen the campus or the school’s website come up in any of my hundreds of Google searches. 


I’ll leave you wondering about where the bird lady adventures lead, and how this all connects to my passion for baking. I promise, it’ll all come together! But I’m telling you, there’s no other explanation for my travels besides the Good Lord Himself pulling it together. I mean, who would’ve thought I’d end up at Berry College—and love it, by the way!


Talk soon!